Shaun Lee Mindreader

It’s All in the Mind: We meet Five Lakes’ very own Derren Brown

September 10, 2024

Shaun Lee has become a much loved personality at Potters in Essex. His happy, laid-back persona makes for hilarious yet light-hearted comedy, while appearances in Potters Theatre Company productions and music sets in the Garden Bar demonstrate his sensational singing voice. But Shaun also has a hidden talent that may surprise you.

Pre-show entertainment at Five Lakes has become quite the event, from live music, to game shows, quizzes and comedy. And more recently, Shaun Lee: Mindreader has seen willing participants take to the stage for something a little different.

“Since my grandfather showed me a trick as a child, I’ve been fascinated by magic. As a kid I had all those magic trick sets, and it just kind of grew really. I would perform for family and friends, and if I had a chance to watch a magician perform, I would.”

Shaun LeeWe sat with Shaun in The Orangery to hear the backstory behind his passion for magic and the mind

It was a fascination that never waned, and post-covid, Shaun ran a successful entertainment business which included “The Real Magic Show” in Essex theatres. But by this time, Shaun had developed a keen interest in the mind.

"When I first saw Derren Brown, I knew that was the direction I wanted to go in. The mind is truly fascinating and I’ve been studying it ever since."

Shaun joined the team at Five Lakes in August 2023. A modest character, he will tell you he’s not a natural stage performer. However, his Frank Sinatra sets in the Garden Bar, and regular Glade Theatre appearances in A Night of Variety, Spotlight and Simply the Best would suggest otherwise.

Shaun Lee in The Garden BarShaun’s sets in the Garden Bar have become a guest favourite

“I love being in the shows. Spotlight is my favourite. I couldn’t be a screen actor, that’s not my style. But the theatrical side and getting into character is so much fun, whether it’s Fagan, Rocky or King George from the musical Hamilton.”

And with pre-show entertainment providing an opportunity for the team to get creative, it wasn’t long before Shaun’s interest in magic and the mind had a stage of its own.

“I’d always wanted to give it a go as a performance. I was still performing for friends and family, maybe the odd wedding as a favour. But when we started talking about doing it here at Five Lakes, I was thrilled. When I joined the team, I knew Five Lakes would be a place I could grow. So I was excited by the opportunity.”

Shaun Lee performing MindreaderGuests on Midweek Breaks at Five Lakes have been enjoying Shaun’s mindreading talents

We recently witnessed Shaun’s set, opening with an intro in which he somehow plucks random words from a willing guest’s mind. It’s a great ice-breaker, setting the tone for the next 30 minutes.

“It’s not a comedy show, but it’s not as on the edge as someone like Derren Brown. The tone is definitely ‘fun’ rather than ‘funny’. But of course, every week is different depending on who is up on stage with me. Ultimately they get to decide where they want to take it. I always tell them to have an open mind, and they’ll leave the stage having had fun.”

Shaun welcomes five gentlemen to the stage for his next section, rattling off the cards they have randomly picked from a fresh deck. The audience starts to sit up a little straighter, with some approving, yet inquisitive looks between groups of friends.

Glade Theatre Mindreader

“You can make certain assumptions about people right off the bat, but other than that, it’s purely mindgames, reading people’s ‘poker faces’. But I’m also planting some seeds that will give me more info as each section progresses.”

One couple, Kelvin & Jayne Clements from Boston, Lincolnshire who were visiting Potters for the first time, were willing volunteers in two separate sections. Kelvin had his card picked while Jayne, a secondary school librarian, ironically forgot how to read when put under Shaun’s spell.

“I was always that child that wanted to get on the stage when watching the panto. So I was happy to be asked and went up with an open mind. Shaun quickly made me feel completely calm and relaxed.”

Guests Kelvin & Jayne ClementsKelvin & Jayne Clements participated in Mindreader on their first trip to Five Lakes

"I knew where I was the whole time, but when Shaun put the word cards in front of me, they made no sense at all. I was trying to sound the words out but it just came out as gobbledygook!"

Much to the amusement of the audience who could see the words on the screen behind, Jayne quickly recovered from her momentary lapse, and reeled off the words in quick succession before leaving the stage to great applause.

“Of all the things I do at Potters, this is what I love doing the most. But at the same time it’s terrifying. There’s no practising, no rehearsals, it all depends on the audience. So when you’re up on stage and something doesn’t quite come off, it’s all about managing the situation.”

In the final section, Shaun uncovers a hilarious but embarrassing moment from a guest, which is handled superbly, without drawing attention to that person, keeping it light-hearted within the theatre and its audience. And that’s very much been the theme for over half an hour, which has zoomed by.

Final section of Mindreader

“I love how my interest has become its own thing in the evening entertainment programme at Five Lakes. The team here have really embraced it, as have the guests. I’m always looking at new sections too, to keep it refreshed.

“Naturally, some will always be sceptical. But it’s amazing how many guests will grab me after I’ve performed and ask me to read their minds. And I’m always happy to oblige.”

Funnily enough, it’s not known how long Shaun Lee: Mindreader will appear for. But it’s certainly something you can enjoy at least until the new year, on Midweek Breaks at Five Lakes. Click here to discover your next break in the Essex countryside…

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