Following a year of thrill-seeking challenges, Norfolk based charity NARS were handed a cheque for £55,000 by a lobster. That lobster was Jack Jenkins, and we caught up with him just before his special birthday, to reflect on an amazing effort.
Exactly one year ago, on 29th October 2023, Jack was celebrating his 29th birthday. But it wouldn’t be too long before he started to think about 2024, and how he might mark the occasion for a milestone year…
Slowly but surely, the wheels on Jack’s Drive start turning.
“A few years ago, NARS were celebrating 50 years so I did the ‘Jackathlon’ – a 50km swim, run and cycle ride – and raised £3,500. I really enjoyed it, I’ve always enjoyed a challenge. So I knew I wanted to do some kind of fundraising challenge for my 30th.

“I had a few chats with Mike Scott (Potters Resorts’ managing director), and we brainstormed various ideas. At one point it was going to be 30 challenges, but then I might have been off the stage more than on it! £30,000 seemed like an obvious target though, and with a year ahead, it didn’t seem beyond the realms of possibility.”
A worthy cause
It was at this point a charity that Potters knows well came in to the conversation.
“The target was big enough to do something really tangible with it, and we know NARS (Norfolk Accident Rescue Service) rely solely on donations to continue their amazing work. So we spoke to Steve (Maddams) and Joe (Russell) there, and that’s when everything started to come together.”

The objective was a simple one; to raise enough money for NARS to purchase a new Community First Response Vehicle. These are placed in areas where ambulances can take longer to arrive, so calls are diverted to NARS where a team of medical professionals give up their spare time to volunteer and provide critical first response.
“It’s humbling when you realise that NARS exist and what they do without government funding. These are doctors, nurses, paramedics who already do amazing things in their jobs. But then they give up their spare time too, responding for this life-saving cause. That point can’t be said enough. They’re all volunteers.”
Let the challenges commence!
By November 2023, Jack’s Drive to Save Lives was underway. And over the year ahead, Jack would leap into a series of challenges suggested by guests, staff, plus NARS themselves.
They included a North Sea Survival Course where he was thrown into an all-weather simulation pool, a New Year swim in the sea, the famous Maldon Mud Race, a 56-mile bike challenge from London to Brighton, a 30-hour 1400-mile race across Europe, and finishing with a death-defying wing walk.
“Having already completed a couple of the challenges, I went to visit the NARS base in Dereham. I talked to some of the responders, they showed me around and a look at the equipment they use. While I was there calls were coming in, and they would rush off. I didn’t imagine how impactful, interesting and insightful that visit would be. I think that’s when it hit home how important what we were doing was.”
Jack says ‘we’ a lot as we’re chatting, and he references the support he received from the Potters community constantly.
“It’s something I want to be really clear about. I have done the challenges, but the team behind the scenes have been amazing. And I could never have expected the level of generosity I have seen from guests.”
The Potters Community
That support extended to all challenges, not least at the world famous Maldon Mud Race which was celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024. Attracting thousands of entrants and over 15,000 spectators, Jack finished the 500 yard mud bath in a highly respectable 57th position out of 357 participants.
“I had no idea what to expect other than a few things guests who’d done it before had told me. All day, there was a carnival atmosphere, fairground rides, food stalls and loads of people. The best bit was bumping into so many Potters guests.
“Once it was time to go, I got completely caught up in the race. It was so hard. I thought I was going to die of exhaustion about a quarter of the way through. You’re literally stuck, but somehow you find a way to power through. At the time I hated it! But in retrospect it was a lot of fun and I remember, towards the end, hearing guests that had come to watch cheering me on, which was nice.”
Meanwhile, other guests would have charitable initiatives of their own.
“One of our regulars, Keith Isaacs, got in touch and asked me to join them on their bike challenge from London to Brighton. It wasn’t planned as one of the challenges but he had a spare spot, bike and all the kit, so he invited me to come along.
“I really enjoyed the day. The ride was 6 hours and the last time I was on a bike properly was probably for the Jackathlon. There were moments of hell, complete exhaustion. But again, you find a way. That challenge was spur of the moment, but became a big part of Jack’s Drive and the final amount raised. So big thanks to Keith.”

The lobster shall go to the ball
The Potters community saw Jack smash his £30,000 target and a new stretch target of £50,000 follow. This would allow NARS to source an all-terrain vehicle better suited to the wide range of calls they respond to. And as each challenge was met, his 30th birthday and the NARS Annual Ball in October 2024 got closer.
“We were just shy of that stretch target, which was unbelievable given the initial one of £30,000. We could’ve done more fundraising on Resort, but as it happened, Mike Scott would have a final challenge for me.
“He said that if I went to the ball dressed as a lobster, Potters would top up the final amount to £50,000. He thought it would be the final thing to push me out of my comfort zone, but I’ve had many a pub crawl dressed as a flamingo or something. The biggest challenge was trying to eat with my pincers on!
“The Potters Friends Foundation added £5,000 too, which would mean NARS can add an epoc® system to the new car. It’s another critical piece of equipment they’ve not been able to have before.
“There were stories on the night from people NARS have saved, including one gentleman whose heart had stopped for 53 minutes, but there he was on stage. You don’t know they exist until you need them. I have had many conversations with guests who have been helped by NARS, or have family members that have volunteered for them in the past. It’s been inspiring to have those conversations.”

And now that all is said and done?
With the festive season almost upon us, Jack hasn’t had too much time to reflect on Jack’s Drive. Rehearsals for Step Into Christmas and the team’s own take on Jack & The Beanstalk have kept him and everyone busy. But there is one thing Jack has found a little strange.
“It’s been weird not to talk about it as much, and not having to continually ask guests for money! They’ve been unbelievably supportive and I can’t wait to show them the new NARS vehicle once it’s bought and kitted out.
“It’s hard to sum up really. It was a challenge of duality. Raising money for doing something you wouldn’t normally do. The whole thing has really pushed me out of my comfort zone, but it’s all been for an amazing cause. I keep coming back to the word ‘incredible’, whether it was the experience of the challenges, the support from Mike, John Potter, NARS, Mark Brewer for his help on ‘Bullseye’, guests like Keith and then everyone who donated, Jill and accounts behind the scenes, everyone… it’s just been incredible.”
And what are Jack’s plans for his 30th?
“It’s a Tuesday isn’t it? I’ll be here, rehearsing! But I’ll be seeing friends and family too on the weekend.”
Well done to Jack and everyone who contributed to Jack’s Drive to Save Lives. However big or small, your contribution has been a life-saver.