Discounts are applicable to every referred adult who books a break at Potters Resorts for the very first time.
A £100 discount per person will be given for any 3 or 4-Night Fully Inclusive break commencing in January or February 2024. This offer excludes World Bowls breaks. Infants are excluded.
Vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or saving.
Vouchers do not have to be presented but the unique reference must be quoted at time of booking.
Vouchers and subsequent discounts cannot be retrospectively added to bookings.
We reserve the right to cancel or change the scheme at any time without prior notice.
The voucher has a cash equivalent of £0.0001.
Credit will be added within 5 working days of a referred booking being taken and confirmed.
If the referrer is making a booking with new guests that they have recommended, they can use their accrued credit from these guests on that break.
Credit will only be applied once a booking is confirmed and deposits (or balance depending on arrival date) have been paid.
Credit will be deducted from an account/booking should the booking that the credit relates to be cancelled.
Certain breaks may be excluded and cannot have any credit used against them.
Credit will expire 12 months from the date added.
Potters Resorts reserves the right to withdraw or change the offering at any time.
Credit cannot be used as a deposit payment or as payment towards any extra booking items such as Cancellation Protection, Celebration Packages, etc.
When using credit for new bookings, should the booking subsequently be cancelled all credit will become void, unless Cancellation Protection is taken at time of booking and the reason for cancellation is covered.